Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Making the Most of a Tradeshow

Making the Most of a Trade Show

Posted by David Mammano at 6:12 PM

Have you ever been an attendee at a conference and gone to the exhibit area? You know, where all those trade show booths are and the vendors are standing behind them, ready to espouse their company's benefits to you?

I have been to many and sat on both sides of the table.

What baffles me is that when I'm an attendee and walk the exhibit aisles, I see so much aloofness. Many of the vendors don't even look up because they are talking to their co-worker, checking their Blackberry or gazing deeply into their laptop monitor.

I am quite sure that this is not what their boss envisioned when she paid thousands of dollars for the company to be there.

What do these vendors expect? That potential customer will make a bee-line for their booth?

Vendors have to be very proactive. Odds are, the folks walking by don't know much about your company. If you give a smile and say good morning, they'll probably do the same. After that, a simple, "Have you heard of what our company can do for you?" will probably buy a minute of their time.

The sales staff at Next Step Magazine and I were just in Seattle for a NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) conference of college admissions and school counselor professionals. There were thousands of people there.

I have to say, I was very proud of my co-workers. We worked it hard. Nobody got by our booth without a hello and a smile. Sure, sometimes we were ignored. But most of the time people would stop by and chat for a while. Then we were able to see how Next Step could help them with their job. We sucked the juice out of that conference, made hundreds of great new contacts, and connected with some old ones, too!

I walked around a bit to see what the other exhibitors were up to. It never fails to amaze me, but most of the exhibitors barely looked up as I walked past. I blame them for laziness, but I also blame their bosses for not being clear about the expectations.

Here are some good trade show tips anyone can use to get the most out a trade show:

1) Don't sit.
The trade show environment is a tough one. I know that. By the end of the day your entire body feels weak and numb. I also know that the next day you'd rather have your legs amputated than stand on them. But buck up! When you're sitting, you look lazy and less approachable. In that state, lead-generating opportunities will pass you by like grandma getting passed on the highway.

2) Avoid chatting with other your staff or co-workers.
If you're in the middle of chumming it up, show attendees will not even try to interrupt your conversation to ask for information. The same goes for the cell phone: If you need to take a call, excuse yourself from the booth.

3) Live by the 80/20 rule.
Listen eighty percent of the time and talk twenty percent. Many vendors tend to "throw-up" on the attendees. We've all seen it and we've probably all done it ourselves. It's just wrong. For example, the attendee asks a question, "Does your product do this?" Then you reply, "The product does this and that and my company was founded in 1912 by a farmer and a goose. I started working with the company when Carter was president. Boy, it was a hot summer." You did little beyond betraying your own discomfort. Listen to the customer. Process what they need and want to know, and respond with pertinent information. Wait, then ask if your response adequately answered their question. If you're nervous, take a breath or two before speaking. You'll be glad you did.

4) Train your trade show team.
Trade shows are unlike other sales environments. Limited time and attention of attendees requires quick qualifying and lead generating tactics. Make sure your staff is prepared and has a clear goal for each day.

5) Call them while they're hot.
Sales staff frequently make the mistake of contacting trade show leads months after the show. Make sure your sales staff has extra time and incentive to follow-up with all leads within days or, at most, weeks of the show.

6) Offer some booth love.
Effectively utilize display accessories, banners, graphics, lighting, booth design, and materials to heighten visibility and drive sales.

7) Always be on.
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make sure you are as approachable and professional as possible. Potential customers are looking at your booth and asking themselves both "Do I need what they have?" and "Do I want to do business with them?" You need to pass both tests.






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